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Oral, Poster and Group Presentations


in order of presentation as reported on the final detailed program

(click on the inverted commas to access the corresponding slides)

Advancing Data Assimilation as a Science Hub: Weather prediction and beyond

Miyoshi T.

Thermal structure and aerosol content in Mars’ atmosphere from TIRVIM on board ExoMars/TGO

Guerlet S.

Towards Assimilation of ExoMars TGO ACS Observations into the LMD Mars GCM

Young R. M. B.

Exploration of the Mars Polar Atmosphere Using the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) and the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)

Gillespie H. E.

The Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS): Feature-Based Evaluation of Transient Eddies

Greybush S. J.

Improving our Craftsman of Mars Global Climate Models Tuning: Future Directions?

Millour E.

High Resolution Regional Reanalysis from a Mars GCM and Mesoscale Model

Valeanu A. M.

Assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder Dust Observations: Challenges and Ways Forward

Streeter P. M.

On the Assimilation of Martian Total Ozone Retrievals

Holmes J. A.

Data Assimilation Changes Low-Level Jets in Mars GCMs

Mooring T. A.

Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Science Targets and Observations

AlShamsi M.

Venus AFES LETKF Data Assimilation System (VALEDAS)

Sugimoto N.

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in order of "2-minute pitch" presentation as reported on the final detailed program

(click on the inverted commas to access the corresponding slides)

New Dataset of Atmospheric Parameters Retrieved by PFS-MEx

Giuranna M., et al.

The Mars Climate Sounder—Six Martian Years of Global Atmospheric Observations Ready for Assimilation

Kass D. M., et al.

An Update on the TES and THEMIS Retrieval Datasets

Smith M. D.

Mapping Water Ice Clouds with MRO/MARCI

Wolff M. J., et al.

Mars-Global Reference Atmospheric Model: Current Upgrade Activities and Potential New Data Products

Burns K. L.

The Potential for Data Assimilation with the GEM-Mars GCM

Neary L., et al.

Planetary Wave Reanalysis using Satellite Data

Lewis S. R., et al.

Scientific Payload of the Emirates Mars Mission: Emirates Exploration Imager (EXI) Overview

AlShamsi M., et al.

Scientific Payload of the Emirates Mars Mission: Emirate Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview.

Lootah F., et al.

Mars Atmospheric Profiling from an Orbital Constellation – Improving Data Coverage for Mars Data Assimilation

Kleinboehl A., et al.

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in order of appearance on the final detailed program

(click on the inverted commas to access the corresponding slides)

Data Assimilation for Parameter Estimation: Useful for Mars?

Read P. R.

Optimum Observing Strategy for the Assimilation of Atmospheric Data

Patel M. R.

Weather Forecast on Mars: Why? And How?

Kuroda T.

Data Assimilation of the Globally Teleconnected Martian Atmosphere

Kass D. M.

Extracts from the “Dust in the Atmosphere of Mars” Workshop Related to Weather Forecasting

Montabone L.

Purposes of Data Assimilation on Mars

Forget F., and workshop attendees

Table of Observational Requirements for Several Meteorological Phenomena on Mars

Greybush S. J., and workshop attendees

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